What? Why? How? – Enigma Enterprise 2.0

During my Christmas holiday I had some time to read an interesting research report on Enterprise 2.0 in Europe, written by David Osimo, Paul Foley and Federico Biagi (Tech4i2); Mike Thompson and Lee Bryant (Headshift); David Bradshaw (IDC).

My first idea was to write a German post highlighting the most important results for companies, communication consultancies and everybody I might be sharing the same objective: Introducing social media into the corporate firewall.

The report presents the interim results of the study “Enterprise 2.0”, executed by Headshift, IDC and Tech4i2 for the European Commission DG INFSO. Its 160 pages offers a great source of data and I decided in the end to gather the most interesting quotes and paragraphs and prepare a simple working paper I might use for my job. Instead of saving it on my PC only, I decided sharing it with you in case you need some interesting background information. All use cases and tables can be read in the report.

From a slideshow from revells found here

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